Filled with Latin flavors gives this dish complexity and depth. Found in Cooking Light, March 2006. Prepare the night before, cool at room temperature,...
Very simple but delicious rice dish. You can add currants or nuts to make it fancy. If using canned chicken broth, use one can plus water to make the two...
I found this in a cookbook of Middle Eastern cooking and posted it by request. I have not yet tried it. The recipe says you can use frozen lima beans for...
This is adapted from a Southern Living recipe. Makes a nice side dish for a Tex-Mex family dinner. Uses Rotel tomatoes and Mexican Velveeta. You can choose...
A surprising main dish with the sharp taste of apples and cheese. The first time that I was served this by my dear friend, Claire, I couldn't get enough....
Years ago I found this recipe on a box of Uncle Ben's original rice. I can always get the man at the meat counter to cut these in half for me even when...
Adapted from a recipe I found on the internet. I made some changes and it turned out pretty good. If you like it spicy, add a chopped jalapeno or serrano...
This is the rice recipe that I got from my husbands grandmother and made a few changes to it. I won 2nd place in a recipe contest once with this recipe....
Perfect over spaghetti or another pasta, these light yet savory meatballs are also surprisingly good served over steaming hot couscous, quartered baked...
From The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook. The combination of dill and lemon is seen throughout Greek cooking, and is wonderful! The authors call for using...
This is a traditional and spicy side dish. The "peas" refer to beans, kidney beans in this recipe. Scotch bonnet is one of the hottest peppers. If you...
Living in Texas, my family loves Tex-Mex and Mexican food. I always seem to have a hard time finding a rice recipe that my whole family can agree on. I...
This rice not only looks beautiful, but it's bursting with savory flavors, and your house will smell delicious when you cook this! This is a recipe I adapted...
Easy to make rice like you get at the mexican restaurant. Cooks up in your rice cooker without any fuss, mess or stirring! Haven't tried it- but could...
This is a hearty and spicy rice dish that both my mother frequently cook. It makes a wonderful compliment to many meat dishes. Also great on its own with...
I was introduced to this by a friend of my mom's. She was married to an Iranian man, and he always made the most fragrant, fabulous rice. This is a little...
My mom made the best Ukrainian cabbage rolls, simply filled with rice and bacon and cooked in a tomato sauce. This recipe is the closest I could find to...
I learned this delicious recipe from my mother. It is used widely in the Arab countries. It great for Holidays or any occasion. Ground Beef can be used...
Being so far away from home, I tend to crave recipes I am unable to get here in Holland. This being one of them! Good ole Cajun and Creole Food. After...
A dear friend gave me this recipe after she found it in her Taste of Home magazine. (You can see the original submission at:
A different way to make Perfect Rice in the microwave. I didn't believe that it would cook till tender without being covered, boy was I wrong. From cookbook...
This recipe was taught to me by my Mother and Sister. I have the tendency to add my own "twist" to all recipes I've come across, to give it a tiny sense...
Good served with roast chicken, roast beef, or country fried steak and gravy. Note: 2 4-ounce cans of chopped mushrooms (drained) may be substituted for...
This is my version on how to cook perfect rice....every grain will cooked to perfection...not one will stick together and you can make fried rice dishes...
Submitted per request for recipes using bulgur and even though I haven't made this I thought it sounded really interesting and I am planning on making...
This is a traditional Christmas Eve dish from Puerto Rico. Most people add the alcaparrado (olives and capers) at the beginning of cooking. I think this...
Wonderful and easy side dish that I got from our local grocery store's monthly magazine. Putting it out here for safe keeping. You can also make this a...